25 December 2009

Tis The Season!

It is offically Christmas day here in Australia (sorry if you follow me on more then one site, you have probably already read that if you do) and I just wanted to wish everyone a very safe happy and fun Christmas day.

I plan on watching the first movie from my NCIS list today (an Abby gingerbread woman if you can guess which one) so hopefully the review for it will be up soon.

In other NCIS/Christmas related news I brought in the holiday watching Apollo 13, odd I know but I don't like the Christmas movie on and the only Christmas ep is one of Frasier and yeah not that big a fan of Kelsey Grammar. Good news, I got my Joe Spano fix which has been lacking in this season of NCIS... I want to see some Fornell!

Anyway have a great day and merry merry Christmas!

18 December 2009


Well sorry I haven't been around lately with the holidays and a school reunion I have been run off my feet, now things are slowing down with Christmas next week I thought I would have more time... but wouldn't you know it I killed my laptop charger last night... I have resorted to emailing NCIS fanfiction to my hotmail so I can read it on my massively tiny screen of my phone. Hopefully I will get the charger tomorrow but knowing my parents they just might make me wait until christmas day for it. I MISS SYLVIA (my laptop) and all our NCIS fun we had together. Thank God I didn't break it until after I saw the new episode of NCIS... anywho all this means is that I will be back whenever I get the charger, expect a movie review soon.

Oh and in case you didn't know Daddy DiNozzo and the 15oth episode of NCIS air on the 12th of January... I am actually counting down the days.

Until whenever stay safe and enjoy NCIS!

09 December 2009

Possibly A Frame Up?

I just went to sign in blogger to make a post about NCIS and it wouldn't let me because apparently my account had been temporarily disabled, I have no clue why. So after 5 minutes of confusion, 10 minutes reading every terms and conditions relevant, a minute to send a message to google 10+ minutes searching my room for my missing phone, 5 begging prayers to the PTB to find my phone, 1 minute searching for my phone charger and 2 codes to verify my account (the first didn't work) I am back... not that anyone would have noticed I was missing.

All this on top of no new NCIS this week and already being stressed out about my high school reunion/farewell on Saturday I am in dire need of of some SERIOUS Tibbs or crack!fics. Instead I will try and make said post or end up bashing my head into the nearest wall.

05 December 2009

Dissecting DiNozzo Session 1: The Begining

For some random reason, a reason that's still unknown to me, I stayed up until after 4am on Saturday morning watching the JAG episodes 'Ice Queen' and 'Meltdown' which introduced the characters of NCIS, well Director Morrow and the core four (Gibbs, DiNozzo, Abby and Ducky) at least, and was the launching pad for the show we all love so very, very much.

Originally I was a JAG fan so I have actually watched NCIS right from the very start and I saw these episodes the first time they aired on TV in Australia.

There were a few things I noticed on this most recent viewing of the JAG episodes that I think may have stuck in my subconscious after the the first time I watched it.

The first is something which is obvious to pretty much every fan of NCIS and that is the Gibbs/DiNozzo working relationship. While Gibbs is a man of few words and only really shows affection towards Abby and Ducky, there is a... well it is hard to describe what it is, but let's say a trust and understanding between Gibbs and his senior field agent that was obvious from these first two non-NCIS episodes.

Point one is that Gibbs trusted DiNozzo to work on his own while he took Blackadder to question the JAG lawyers.

Point two is that Tony was the one person Gibbs wanted when they went to take down the terrorist, Gibbs didn't care who he brought with him just as long as Tony was there.

Now if we were going into the realm of Slash fiction, and boy is there a hell of a lot of Tibbs (Tony/Gibbs) fics, then I would say that point two was merely a sexual thing. As they have yet to show any Tibbsiness on the show (though DiNozzo has stayed at Gibbs' more than once) I will digress and say that there is a trust established from those two episodes that not too many people would understand and probably even notice.

Kate, I think is a good example of this, though she wasn't in the JAG episodes, I don't think the ex-secret service agent understood Tony let alone why Gibbs kept him on the team half of the time. There are examples in certain scenes which I will go into in other Dissecting DiNozzo posts but for now let's just leave it at that.

While Ziva may understand the Italian agent a bit more then Kate I still don't think she has a full grasp of Tony's mindset and the bond between him and Gibbs.

That being said I think it leads me onto another observation which I have had since 'Ice Queen'.

I have always been a Tony/Abby shipper and until I had re watched the JAG episodes, I thought my Tabby fascination spanned from the chemistry between Michael Weatherly and Pauley Perrette both on and off screen. If you have ever seen photos or footage of the two off set then you will know what I am talking about, it isn't a sexual thing it is a friendship.

When I re watched the JAG double I was shocked to see that there was actually quite a few Tabby moments in there. It may just be me but it seemed as if Abby may have had a touch of DiNozzoitis and had a little crush on our boy Tony.

I have spoken to other NCIS fans about the Tony/Abby friendship and most people agree that if Tony would tell anyone anything about his past, particularly his childhood, it would be everyone's favourite Goth. It may have never been shown like many other assumptions of fans but there has to be something there for so many of us to have agreed, right?

Yes I do realise that our fearless leader Leroy Jethro Gibbs has a rule about assumptions but let's just call it reading between the lines.

While I didn't really do any real 'dissecting' of DiNozzo's personality and character in this post I will put that down to the episodes themselves, as they weren't official NCIS episodes things were likely to change *cough*Blackadder*cough* between then and Yankee White to make the show work.

Tony though didn't really change too much... apart from those glasses, his missing movie addiction and now he is just ever so slightly more insane.

I don't know when or what episode I will do for the next Dissecting DiNozzo post, though I'm thinking it may be season 3's Undercovers, but it will definitely be more exciting and in depth than this one.

Peace... Out!

03 December 2009

Diagnosis: Terminal

Tony DiNozzo: "So, let me guess. You guys caught a bad case of
'DiNozzo-itis', had Vance send you down south?"
Ziva David: " 'DiNozzo-itis'... Sounds venereal."
NCIS 6x02 Agent Afloat
Well it may not be venereal like Ziva David thinks but it is damn infectious and a cure is yet to be found... Just ask one of the numerous NCIS fangirls out there. Of course I don't think there are actually any of us who are actively looking for a cure.
Never heard of DiNozzoitis? Basically it is a loss of all sense and reason the moment Michael Weatherly, who plays Special Agent Anthony D. DiNozzo Jr. on NCIS (the greatest show in the world), is shown on screen, in photos and more recently sings. There is just something about Michael Weatherly, particularly as Tony DiNozzo, that has sufferers going insane and drooling.
Signs of DiNozzoitis:
*Uncontrollable drooling, daydreaming and fantasizing
*Repeat viewings of NCIS and often times Dark Angel
*Spending an entire day Tweeting with other DiNozzoitis sufferers about Tony DiNozzo and not seeing anything wrong with it
*Spending obscene amounts of money buying all of Michael Weatherly's movies and TV shows, even if you have to buy online or from overseas
*Constant quoting of Tony/Michael lines
*Relating any and all things in life to Tony/Michael
*Dreaming up ways to be with Tony/Michael and/or your future lives together
And dozen of other symptoms all relating to Tony/Michael
If you are showing one or more of the above symptoms take 2 episodes of NCIS with a glass of NCIS fan fiction. If symptoms persist consult Dr. Donald 'Ducky Mallard', if symptoms worsen seek out Dr. Brad Pitt IMMEDIATELY!
For me, a sufferer of DiNozzoitis, I set up this blog to write reviews for an NCIS related New Years Resolution, my goal is to watch every movie ever referenced in the hit drama, and it will also be another place where I rant about and examine Tony DiNozzo.
Don't worry I am not completely insane, I do have other interests, I just felt I needed an outlet for my love of Tony DiNozzo... yes I do realise he is a fictional character and I do know how to separate life from fiction, I am a writer myself and just appreciate the creation that is DiNozzo and as a fangirl I appreciate the talents of Michael Weatherly, if you really sat down and watched the show you would see what I mean.
I don't really expect anyone to read this, let alone comment, but it would be nice.... you should know though me track record with blogs is not that successful, hopefully writing about NCIS, Michael Weatherly, Tony DiNozzo and things connected will help a bit. Fingers crossed!
Peace... Out