07 February 2010

The Perfect Episode *SPOILERS for 7x14*

After watching the most recent NCIS episode (7x14 Masquerade ) Icame to the conclusion that it was the perfect NCIS episode.

It wasn't a 'Big' episode like the 150th, the premiere, the season finale or even 7x13's TIVA epdisode, it wasn't even a 'Special' episode like the Halloween or Christmas episodes, it was just the perfect NCIS episode.

I think it was Pauley Perrette that once said NCIS was a show for the fans and Masquerade definitely proved that to be right. In my opinion it had (almost) everything for any and every NCIS.

What the episode had:
*A thrilling case - very suspensful and you could feel the panic about the possibility of a dirty bomb.

*Classic McGeek - Only our little probie could be in the middle of the bullpen, in a tux, 'at' the wedding of one of his RPG friends... I am expecting him to get married online one day.

*Tony and Ziva (friendly) teasing the the Probie - how could they not!

*Paranoid Tony and mentions of the Plague - ever since SWAK DiNozzo has gotten more and more paranoid about biological/chemical attacks and I loved the quote about how Tony's kids are possibly screwed because all he had to give them were good looks!

*Tony personal tidbit - wow Tony has a therapist! Even though he tried to cover and say it was a Physical Therapist for his knee I still think it is a shrink... the man has some serious Daddy Issues (not to mention the above mentioned Plague issues).

*Ultimate Abby hug - As a Tabby fan that hug was squee worthy!

*Abby eccentricities - Loving the fact Abby stayed in the yellow suit just because she thought it was cool, reminded me of the hat she wore back in Caught on Tape.

*Team Gibbs eccentricities - come on do you think there is any other team in the whole dang agency that would get popcorn to watch an interrogation? also Tap dance parties and pirate parties!

*Serious Tiva scene - I may not be 100% for Tiva (I'd say about 25% for the ship only because MW and CDP play it so well!) but that scene where they are talking about Somalia was well done.

*Palmer eccentricities - Palmer being caught by Ducky and Gibbs tap dancing in autopsy.

*Hint at Tony/Palmer friendship - I think the DiNozzo/Palmer friendship is equal first with the Tony/Gibbs and Tony/Abby friendship (for me at least) I also love how it seems as though Tony only invited Jimmy to the party.

*Brave Gibbs - Jethro single handidly (lol sorry bad injured arm joke) dismantles the bomb not giving a damn about his own life, only worrying about McGee getting out before it blew.

*Brave Timmy - I love how in this team when one person dismantles a bomb someone is always there beside them. While I am not McGee's biggest fan (I think he is making up for seasons 4 & 5 this season though) I loved that it was him refusing to leave Gibbs because usually it is Tony and Ziva.

and while it was not a part of this episode but next weeks:

*FORNELLAGE! in the promo for 7x15 - while scary bearded Tobias freaks me out a tiny bit (having flashbacks to disturbingly bearded and mustached Gibbs) I was definitely having withdrawals from the lack of our fave FBI agent this season.

There is only one thing that disappointed me about this episode (well this season really) and that is Rena Sofer - EPISODE KILLER!

Maybe that is just because I thought her character in Just Shoot Me ruined the show (hence the title of episode killer) but I think where they are headed with the possible relationship of her character and Gibbs is a horrible, horrible idea.

I am not anti-Gibbs loving, in fact I loved Gibbs and Hollis, Gibbs and Jenny's history, Gibbs and Stephanie (I think out of all his ex wives he loved her the most), Gibbs and Shannon and Gibbs and the Mysterious Readhead but Gibbs and the EK? HATE IT! I am glad they didn't show them kissing at the end, I like to believe that Tony popped out from behind the sofa and whacked her with a 2x4.

I think I have said it after every episode this season but season 7 may be my fave season so far, definitely making up for season 6!

Peace... Out!

27 January 2010

Another reason for my love of Tony DiNozzo:

My life is complete!I didn't think it could be anymore complete than the awesome 150th episode of NCIS but boy was I wrong!

I almost fainted during this weeks NCIS ep when... wait for it... Michael Weatherly as Tony DiNozzo referenced my favorite all time movie... POLLYANNA! Not just any Pollyanna though, the Hayley Mills Pollyanna, which I have on both DVD and VHS and have watched about as much as I have watched NCIS episode SWAK! OK maybe I have watched Pollyanna maybe just a little bit more than SWAK because I did watch it at least once a week during my childhood.

I have been hoping for him to do it since the first time he ever made a movie reference and today it was realised!

Now I finally have the first movie for my movie reviews.

Also I am choosing to ignore that he referenced the WORST book series EVER... There is only one Twilight that matters to me and that is the final episode of season 2 of NCIS!

Not that I really need to watch Pollyanna to write a review but it looks as though my Wednesday night is going to be spent curled up in bed watching it for the billionth time.

09 January 2010

Dissecting DiNozzo Session 2: Compare and Contrast

Sorry I have been AWOL as of late, I have been in the middle of an NCIS inspired muse overload and am trying to work on 17 fics at once.

I am not sure if you are aware of it or not but one of the fics I am currently working on is and NCIS/Dark Angel epic crossover saga where Tony and Logan are the same person.

I have watched every episode of the two (very different) Michael Weatherly shows multiple times and while I have been writing the fic entitled New World (Dis)Order I have come to a realisation about the two characters that, seperately would not have an impact, but when they are morphed into one character becomes a factor that is making it hard to write the story at times.

If you have ever watched Dark Angel then you will be aware that Michael Weatherly's character of Logan Cale gets shot in the first episode leaving him paralyzed from the waist down and dependant on a wheelchair (and later on an exoskeleton and then healed).

You see the journalist and freedom fighter sturggle to accept his fate in many episodes, one in particular where he pulls out a gun and is prepared to kill himself, so it is definitley not been an easy transformation from being able to work to have someone, as he says, 'do the legwork' for him.

Michael Weatherly's performance is absolutely amazing and heart wrenching at times in the two seasons but when I thought of Logan as also being Tony my heart seemed to break.

Over the seven seasons, and two JAG episodes, of NCIS we have established the Tony DiNozzo is a very energetic and athletic guy whose major at college was PE (and was on numerous sporting teams). In Twilight when Tony returned from sick leave after the plague he said to Gibbs that he had to return early because he was getting bored at home. DiNozzo is a man that constantly needs to be doing something whether it is chasing suspects or chasing (as Gibbs put it once) 'a tight ass'.

For Tony to end up in a wheelchair as Logan did would be a massive blow to not only his physical pursuits but also to his state of mind.

This is where my discovery came in. We have known Tony for (as of next week) 150 episodes of NCIS as well as 2 bonus JAG episodes, where as we have only known Logan Cale for a few scenes in Dark Angel before he gets his spinal cord damaged. While it is sad that this character can no longer walk we haven't really gotten to know him and so it is a bit difficult to know the impact it will have on him physically, mentally and emotionally.

I think it (the shooting, blown out spinal cord and the aftermath) has a bigger impact on the audience if we imagine the same thing happening to this character we have known for the better part of seven seasons.

Another scene in Twilight is something Ducky says about Tony after examining him following the car explosion: He is unnaware of his own limitations*. If Tony was the one that ended up in the wheelchair those limitations would suddenly come crashing into his focus and another set of limitations would be added to the pile that were already there.

With Logan we learnt these things about him as the series went on AFTER the shooting so the impact and ramifications were drawn out over multiple episodes as opposed to being aware ot them the moment we saw him go down.

For anyone, in real life or on screen, it would be difficult to have to learn you will never walk again but I think that out of these two Michael Weatherly characters Tony's pain, struggle, etc. is a lot more sudden.

What I am basically saying is that if it takes me a while to write New World (Dis)Order it is because my heart breaks for Tony and not his new identity of Logan.

Peace... Out....

*Ducky's prognosis of Tony is much longer than in the ep and I may be mistaken as to what he actually said, but as it is 5.33am here I can't really be bothered looking for the exact comment. However the basic idea is the same.